
Leveraging data for further insights

Time of Day

What time do games usually occur? Does the time of day affect the team's success? It's often theorized that the team is more likely to lose late night games - what does the data say?



A session refers to a sequence of games played in the same sitting. What factors contribute to a session's birth and what keeps it going? Which philosophy is adhered to: "can't end on a win" or "can't end on a loss"?



No map is perfectly balanced for the attack and defense sides. Which maps are most and least biased for one side or the other?



Valorant currently has 21 playable agents under four different role classifications. Which players on the team exhibit a willingness to play different agents / roles? Which players are successful at different roles?


Leaderboard Analysis

At the end of every game, each player on the team is ranked in descending order of their Average Combat Score (ACS). The player with the highest ACS is named the MVP of that match. Let's dive into those numbers.


Solo Duelists

Roughly 50% of games are played with a single duelist team composition, which puts a greater burden on the sole duelist to create attacking opportunities. Who thrives in these situations?


Impact Analysis

A foundation of impact metrics in the National Basketball Association is Regularized Adjusted Plus Minus, which uses ridge regression to estimate a player's impact based on lineup data, thus adjusting for teammate quality. Can this be applied to Valorant?


Opening Duels

At some point in every Valorant round, an opening duel will occur. What is the significance of these events? How does our team perform in them? Which players seek out these duels most often and come away on top?
